For week two of VR project I took our hand blockout model to ZBrush. I tried to get as many forms under Sub-Division 03. I avoided any major changes as then it would have been difficult to copy the skin weights from the old model to the new one. As planned I got most my details by the time I reached DIV 03 but to get pores and wrinkle details I went to DIV 05 and got those in. I use layers in ZBrush to do tertiary details so I can have more control over it. I then had a low poly and a high poly model which I used to test bake in substance painter. Once I did that, I just took the baked normal map and tried to test it in Unreal. Having some rigging experience and to save some of our Tech Artist's time I copied over the old model skin weights to the new one and pushed it to perforce as a maya file so that our TA can improve more on the skinning and pass it for animation. Later I worked on improving the Env assets that I was assigned.
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